The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar, with the themes (Adaptive patch grid strategy for parallel protein folding using atomic burials with NAMD - The Achilles' Heel of the Android Mining Sandbox Approach for Malware Identification - Automatic lifting method for embedding evolution and variability awareness into functional programs).


Lectures in the PPGI Seminar Discipline

12/04/2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:50 pm

CIC Multipurpose Room


Title: Adaptive patch grid strategy for parallel protein folding using atomic buried with NAMD
Speaker: Emerson A. Macedo
Advisor: Prof. Alba Melo
Course: Doctorate


Title: The Achilles heel of the Android mining sandbox approach to malware identification
Speaker: Francisco H. T. Costa
Supervisor: Prof. Rodrigo Bonifácio
Course: Doctorate


Title: Automatic lifting method for incorporating evolution and variability awareness into functional programs
Speaker: Bruno M. Worm
Supervisor: Prof. Vander R. Alves
Course: Master