The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar course, with the following themes (ERC4AI: A Tool for Classifying Ethical Requirements in AI - Analysis of Privacy Solutions in Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Approach for Training Semantic Segmentation Networks in the Context of Multistain Image Sets).


Lecture Title: ERC4AI: A Tool for Classifying Ethical Requirements in AI

Speaker: Elizangela F. Ximenes
Advisor: Prof. Edna Macedo
Course: Master


Lecture Title: Analysis of Privacy Solutions in Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Speaker: Daniel S. Almendra
Advisor: Prof. Eduardo Alchieri
Course: Master


Lecture Title: Approach for Training Semantic Segmentation Networks in the Context of Multistain Image Sets.
Speaker: George O. Barros
Supervisor: Prof. Flávio de Barros Vidal
Course: Doctorate