The application of technology acceptance model in Brazilian e-commerce

Uma arquitetura baseada em Containers para Workflows de Bioinformática em Nuvens Federadas

Foldalign 2.5: multithreaded strategy for the pairwise structural RNA alignment problem

Seminários PPGInf 13/05/16 - 14h - Sala Multiuso CIC

Palestrante: Jianya Zheng (orientador: Prof. Li Weigang)
Título: The application of technology acceptance model in Brazilian e-commerce

Resumo: In this work we introduce an innovative research model, which builds an extension of Technology Acceptation Model (TAM), integrating perceived risk, social influence, perceived benefit and system design in order to assess adoption of e- commerce. The first three factors with perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) are considered as the independent variables of the behavior intention. And then, the system design is an antecedent variable of PEOU. The developed model with additional constructs could provide a better understanding the acceptation of e-commerce. A field experiment is conducted to test hypotheses regarding the causal structure of TAM model in virtual business. Questionnaires were distributed to more than 200 university students to assess e-commerce in varied aspects. With the collected data, the structure equation model and factor interaction ware analyzed showing the causality among different factors. The knowledge generated from this study may contribute in two aspects: in terms of theory, this study provides an empirical understanding on the TAM of Brazilian e-commerce adoption; and as for practice, this study presents implications and summarization concerning the development of online shopping in Brazil.


Palestrante: Tiago Henrique C. R. Alves (orientadora: Prof. Aleteia P. F. Araújo)

Título: Uma arquitetura baseada em Containers para Workflows de Bioinformática em Nuvens Federadas
Resumo: Reproduzir experimentos de Bioinformática pode ser uma atividade dispendiosa. Os recursos computacionais necessários, muitas vezes, não estão disponíveis. Instalar e/ou compilar os softwares utilizados em experimentos de bioinformática, gerenciar suas dependências e garantir a execução da versão correta são atividades que podem consumir bastante tempo. Este trabalho sugere uma arquitetura baseada em Containers para Workflows de Bioinformática em Nuvens Federadas capaz de auxiliar pesquisadores na execução, distribuição e reprodução de experimentos.


Palestrante: Daniel Sundfeld (orientadora: Prof. Alba C. M. A. Melo)
Título: Foldalign 2.5: multithreaded strategy for the pairwise structural RNA alignment problem
Resumo: Structured RNAs can be hard to search for as they often are not well conserved in their primary structure and are local in their genomic or transcriptomic context. Thus, the need for tools which in particular can make local structural alignments of RNAs is only increasing. To meet the demand for both large-scale screens and hands on analysis through web servers, we present a new multithreaded version of Foldalign. We substantially improve execution time while maintaining all previous functionalities, including carrying out local structural alignments of sequences with low similarity. Furthermore, the improvements allow for comparing longer RNAs and increasing the sequence length. For example, lengths in the range 2000–6000 nucleotides improve execution up to a factor of five.