Voluntary Geographic Information Systems with Document-based NoSQL Databases

/Improving Energy Balance and Network Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks Employing Cooperative Communication

/Feature-Family-Based Reliability Analysis of Software Product Lines

/Usando a linguagem SQL para administração de banco de dados NoSQL

SEMINÁRIO – 24/06/2016 – 14:00 - Auditório Prédio IPOL/IREL

Palestrante: Daniel C. M. Maia (orientadora: Prof. Maristela T. Holanda)
Título: Voluntary Geographic Information Systems with Document-based NoSQL Databases
Resumo: With the advent of Web 2.0 and mobile technology, including, smartphones equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) receptors, there has been an increase in the number of individuals who create and share spatial data. Consequently, the ability to store a large quantity of data, in diverse formats is made possible by Geographic Information Systems that use voluntary data. This study presents a Voluntary Information System using a document-based NoSQL database that fulfills the requirements of data scalability and heterogeneity.


Palestrante: Camila F. Rego (orientador: Prof. Jacir L. Bordim)
Título: Improving Energy Balance and Network Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks Employing Cooperative Communication
Resumo: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are responsible to collect and share the sensed information, usually by making it available at a gateway point. In this context, network connectivity plays an important role as the nodes require the availability of a path to route the sensed data to the sink node. The main contribution of this work is to propose a cooperative communication strategy aiming at improving network connectivity. To attain this goal, the proposed technique, called Sink-Path Cooperative Communication (Sink-PathCC) provide means to reduce the number of hops to reach the sink node while improving energy balance of the nodes employing cooperative communication. Simulation results show that Sink-PathCC provides better energy balance as compared to other similar proposals. In addition, Sink-PathCC is able to reduce the power consumption of the source node by nearly 60% in the evaluated scenarios.


Palestrante: André L. P. M. Lanna (orientador: Prof. Vander Alves)
Título: Feature-Family-Based Reliability Analysis of Software Product Lines
Resumo: Model Checking techniques have been applied to ensure software systems achieve desired quality levels and fulfill functional and non-functional requirements. However, employing these techniques to software product lines is a challenging task, given the exponential blowup of the number of products. Current product line model checking techniques leverage symbolic model checking and variability information to optimize the analysis, but still face limitations that make them costly or even unfeasible for some product lines. We will present a feature-family-based strategy to efficiently analyze reliability of product lines. Our approach limits the effort needed to compute the reliability of a product line by dividing its behavioral models into smaller units, which can be model-checked more efficiently. It also computes the reliability for all configurations at once, by means of a suitable variational data structure. The results obtained in empirical evaluation show our strategy significantly outperformed other evaluation strategies in terms of time and space, in most cases.


Palestrante: Jane A. Souza (orientadora: Prof. Maristela T. Holanda)
Título: Usando a linguagem SQL para administração de banco de dados NoSQL
Resumo: O fornecimento de linguagens de consulta padronizadas e de fácil utilização tem sido objeto de estudo acadêmico em banco de dados NoSQL. Os usuários e administradores de bancos de dados acostumados com a linguagemSQL consideram que os recursos disponibilizados pelos sistemas NoSQL requerem habilidades que dificultam a utilização dos mesmos. A presente palestra apresenta a proposta de criação de uma Camada de Dados para execução de tarefas administrativas, usando a linguagem SQL, que funciona em diferentes famílias de bancos de dados NoSQL, de maneira simples para administração do banco de dados independente do modelo NoSQL.