Speaker: José Pergentino de Araújo Neto(egresso doutorado)

Ex supervisor: Prof Célia G. Ralha 

Title: BRA2Cloud: a Brand new Resilient Agent-based Architecture for Cloud computing

Abstract:During this talk, Pergentino will present his academic journey as a PhD student in the Informatics Graduate Program of UnB. His research project, thesis, and publications will also be presented.

 Thesis abstract:Cloud computing has been used as the primary IT solution alternative to provide scalable, reliable and pay-per-use resources and services on-demand, including trusted servers and cheaper but revocable transient servers. The implementation of fault-tolerant approaches that ensure the reliability and the services continuity becomes a major requirement for users that want to effectively explore cheaper transient servers. Thus, this work presents a multi-agent framework to provide a transparent and resilient environment on transient servers by using multiple fault-tolerant strategies. The proposed framework uses a reasoning process to predict failure events, to help adjust fault tolerance plans and parameters. The framework includes elements to recognize the transient server environment, being useful to identify risks to the current server's availability, achieving better levels of reliability reducing the total cost and execution time. We present examples that delineate some strengths of the proposal, including analysis of the results to demonstrate that our approach can be effectively used to define execution strategies and prevent failures under realistic working conditions.

Current Work:Technical Lead of the Erasmus+ integration project, acting as a technical manager for the projects. Erasmus+is the largest educational financing program in Europe. Erasmus+supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for the Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad. For more informartion on Erasmus+: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en


Time: 15h

Speaker: Francisco Handrick Tomaz da Costa (doutorando)

Supervisor: Prof. Rodrigo Bonifácio

Title: On the Interplay Between Static and Dynamic Analysis for Mining Sandboxes

Abstract:Due to the popularization of Android and the full range of applications (apps) targeting this platform, many security issues have emerged, attracting researchers and practitioners' attention. As such, many techniques for addressing security Android issues appeared, including approaches for mining sandboxes. Previous research studies have compared Android test case generation tools for this specific goal. Our research aims to explore new techniques for mining sandboxes, especially we are interested in understanding the limits of both static and dynamic analysis in this process. Although the use of tests for mining sandboxes has been explored before, the potential to combine static analysis and dynamic analysis has not been sufficiently investigated yet. That is, in this thesis we will investigate the hypothesis that combining static and dynamic analysis techniques increases the process of mining Android

Local: Teams MS - Equipe PPGI-316415 Seminário, Canal Seminários 2-2020

Profa Célia Ghedini Ralha (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Coordenadora Seminários de Pós-Graduação em Informática 2-2020