O Departamento de Ciência  da Computação da Universidade de Brasília Parabéniza o Prof. Li Weigang pela patente Boeing e UnB publicada em tempo recorde 


Número da patente: 10,553,121 (US)


Titulo da patente: "Detecting Violation of Aircraft Separation Requirements"

Inventores: Italo Oliveira (Boeing  Brazil), Victor Filincowsky (egresso de doutorado do PPGI - defendeu em 
2019), Li Weigang (professor PPGI), Reinaldo Garcia (professor UnB producao).

Texto disponível em https://patents.justia.com/assignee/the-boeing-company

  • Patent number: 10553121
    Abstract: A computing system obtains flight information comprising a plurality of waypoints for each of a plurality of aircraft flight paths, and detects a violation of aircraft separation requirements at a given time instance. Each waypoint specifies an altitude, a longitudinal position, a latitudinal position, a velocity, and a time instance. Detecting the violation comprises selecting a set of time-correlated waypoints from the flight information, each time-correlated waypoint specifying the given time instance. The detecting further comprises selecting a set of altitude-correlated waypoints from the set of time-correlated waypoints, each of the altitude-correlated waypoints being vertically-separated from at least one other altitude-correlated waypoint by less than a threshold vertical separation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 2018
    Date of Patent: February 4, 2020
    Inventors: Italo Romani de Oliveira, Vitor Filincowsky Ribeiro, Li Weigang, Reinaldo Crispiniano Garcia.