1. Set up Process in SEI, in the IE/CIC/PPGI folder, containing:
    1. Letter of acceptance, for presentation of work.
    2. Attach the Financial Aid to Students and Researchers Form, which must be completed by the student and/or advisor. The applicant and the PPGI coordinator must sign the form manually, and these signatures must be on the form before it is entered into the SEI process.
    3. Expense estimate statement.
    4. Lattes CV of the applicant.
    5. Regular student declaration, when the applicant is a student. This aid can only be requested by a regular student.
    6. Event Folder.
  2. Send the SEI process to the PPGI secretariat, which will place the process under special “Financial Aid” monitoring. If the SEI process is complete, it will be forwarded to the PPGI Finance Committee.
  3. If the Finance Committee approves the request, it will be forwarded to the PPGI Secretariat, which will include in the process: Memorandum requesting payment of financial aid, signed by the PPGI coordinator; and the NE (Commitment Note) which contains the balance for payment.


To facilitate access to financial assistance with PPGI resources, the following steps must be followed:


  1. Start the process in the Electronic Information System (SEI), in the IE/CIC/PPGI folder, including the following documents:
    1. Letter of acceptance for the presentation of work.
    2. Financial Aid Form for Students and Researchers, completed by the student and/or supervisor, with manual signatures from the applicant and the PPGI coordinator.
    3. Expense estimate statement.
    4. Lattes CV of the applicant.
    5. Declaration of regular student, when applicable (aid is exclusive to regular students).
    6. Event brochure.
  2. Send the complete SEI process to the PPGI secretariat, which will register it as "Financial Aid" under special monitoring. If all documents are in order, the process will be forwarded to the PPGI Finance Committee.
  3. If the Finance Committee approves the request, it will return to the PPGI Secretariat, which will include in the process a memorandum requesting payment of financial aid, signed by the PPGI coordinator, and the Note of Commitment (NE) containing the balance intended for payment .


This process aims to provide financial support to PPGI students and researchers, allowing them to participate in events and academic activities relevant to their academic and professional development.