The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar course, with the themes (Development of an integrated attack detection and mitigation solution for software-defined networks / Unrestricted Approximate String Matching for Synthetic and DNA Sequences: Practical Analysis / Performance Evaluation of Large Language Models in Software Rejuvenation: Developing a Comparative Methodology).


Lectures at the PPGI Seminar Course

14/06/2024 from 14:00 to 15:50
CIC Multipurpose Room

Lecture title: Development of an integrated attack detection and mitigation solution for software-defined networks
Speaker: Ranyelson N. Carvalho
Advisor: Jacir L. Bordim
Course: Doctorate


Lecture Title: Unrestricted Approximate String Matching for Synthetic and DNA Sequences: Practical Analysis
Speaker: Ricardo R. C. Chaves
Supervisor: Alba C. M. A. Melo
Course: Doctorate


Lecture Title: Performance Evaluation of Large Language Models in Software Rejuvenation: Developing a Comparative Methodology
Speaker: Ricardo de Lima
Supervisor: Rodrigo B. de Almeida
Course: Doctorate