To make an appointment, you must create a process in the SEI, in the IE/CIC/UnB folder, at least 30 days in advance.
The process must include:
- Form - Dissertation Defense Committee Registration (native of SEI). Attention, it is not the “Defense Examination Board Form”.
- Lattes CV of the External Member, who must have publications in the area in the last 2 years.
It is important to highlight that "external members" refers to those members who are not linked to UnB and, therefore, the CPF of these members and the institution with which they maintain an institutional link must be informed on the form. In addition, the external member's SEI registration is required for signature. The guide for this procedure is on the portal: - Master's/Doctorate Defense Minutes (SEI native)
- Authorization term - Theses and dissertations (SEI native)
- Declaration of originality of dissertation/thesis (SEI native)
The composition of the panel must have:
- Advisor (per CEPE Resolution 080/2017, no VOTE)
- At least one External Member, who cannot have a link with UnB.
- At most, one Internal Member.
- Substitute, which can be internal or external.
- Forward the SEI process to the PPGI Secretary, who will place the created process in Special Monitoring: Defense Banks/Defense Bank - Doctorate
- The PPGI Secretary, upon verifying that the form has been completed with all the data, and that the external member's CV is attached to the SEI, must include the history in the SEI process. The secretary will then forward the process to the PPGI coordination.
- The PPGI coordination, upon receiving the process, calls a meeting of the PPGI Postgraduate Committee or the Collegiate, so that the committee can be approved by these bodies.
- If the panel is approved, the coordination will attach to the SEI process the approval order for the Master's/PhD Defense, and will forward it to the PPGI Secretary to register the panel with SIGAA.
- When registering the panel with SIGAA, the PPGI Secretary must follow the procedure for approval in the panel system.
If the PPGI Secretary is unable, for a variety of reasons, to approve the panel at SIGAA, she will forward the SEI process to the DPG for action. And the DPG requires at least 20 days for this. Therefore, the bank must be requested at least 30 days in advance. - After the panel is approved by SIGAA, the PPGI Secretary must generate the Master's/Doctorate Defense Minutes, Authorization Term - Theses and dissertations, Declaration of originality of the dissertation/thesis and attach it to the process (native SEI documents). After the procedures, the process must be sent via DPG/DIRPG
- After the defense, the post-defense procedures begin at SIGAA, which must be completed by the student, coordinator/secretary and advisor. The flow of steps in SIGAA is presented below: