Title: Obtaining knowledge in different domains using Graph Visualization


Speaker: Teacher Claudio Douglas Gouveia Linhares (Senior Lecturer), Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Faculty of Technology, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Title: Obtaining knowledge in different domains using Graph Visualization


Abstract: Graphs or complex networks comprise a useful framework for modeling and analyzing parts of a system and their interaction. Graphs are used in biology and medicine (e.g. interactions of proteins or brain cells), computer science and telecommunications (e.g. emails, phone calls), social networks (e.g. friendship, proximity contacts) and many other disciplines. In many real-world situations, these networks evolve over time. Visual analysis of these temporal networks provides an effective way of understanding network dynamics and identifying patterns, anomalies and other behaviors in the data. The problem, however, is the large amount of data in real-world networks, which can produce visualizations with a lot of visual clutter. In this seminar, I present methods and systems to improve the readability of the visualization, allowing users to gain insights that lead to fast and reliable decision-making. In addition, I demonstrate some real-world applications of visualization in different domains, such as a focus on electronic health record (EHR) systems to track a single patient's clinical trajectory through a series of tests and data, which can aid doctors in treatment and diagnosis.

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