
  • Seminars

    The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar discipline, with the themes ( From log4j to mapping vulnerable maven dependencies in a Brazilian institution / Automatic Lifting of Static Taint Analyses for Evolving Product Lines)

  • Seminars

    The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar course, with the themes (A New Fine Tuning Approach to Improve the Interlinguistic Performance of LLMs / Towards a Theory for Source Code Rejuvenation / Quad-Tree Block-Based Variational Autoencoder for Point-Clouds / Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition Using Ensembles in Transformer Models for Brazilian Public Texts).

  • Seminars

    The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar course, with the themes (Development of an integrated attack detection and mitigation solution for software-defined networks / Unrestricted Approximate String Matching for Synthetic and DNA Sequences: Practical Analysis / Performance Evaluation of Large Language Models in Software Rejuvenation: Developing a Comparative Methodology).

  • Seminars

    The Department of Computer Science invites everyone to the lectures of the PPGI Seminar course, with the themes (Methodology for Producing Actionable Threat Intelligence at the Tactical Level / Comparative Analysis of Data Protection Laws and Privacy Frameworks: Optimizing Solutions for LGPD Compliance)
